Christiaan Lako
Associate Professor
Radboud University Nijmegen
Dr. Christiaan Lako is associate professor in the Department of Public Administration at Radboud University Nijmegen. Previously, he was a lecturer at the University of Nijmegen, the Erasmus University and Wageningen University. He graduated in 1988 from the University of Nijmegen and received his doctorate in 1979 in Sociology at the University of Utrecht. He speaks good English, German and French. He has published over 70 scientific articles on Pay for Performance, performance measurements, hospital choice, changing health insurance, international comparative research on health, personal contributions, quality of care, the pursuit of significance for top managers, Reinventing Government and privacy in general practice. His current research is also about the reform of public administration. He was in 1989 as a Fulbright Scholar attached to the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School in Newark, NJ (USA). He received in 2014 along with two American colleagues the 2014 Edgar C. Hayhow Award and since 2015 Associate Editor of BMC Health Services Research. He is convinced that an important task of the government is to ensure good health and quality of life of its citizens. Only adequate knowledge and understanding can contribute to the achievement of that task. He considers to be able to deliver it as a great privilege through research, education and contacts with his students contributes to knowledge and understanding. In his research, he is always inspired by his experiences with comparative research in the Netherlands and the United States are training in quantitative sociological research.
Research Interest